Streaming Media University

World Class Experts Deliver Content-Rich Training

流媒体大学拥有世界一流的专家,提供内容丰富的培训. 在我们的流媒体西部2018活动中,这一系列研讨会为与会者提供了获得在线视频和流媒体技术深入培训的机会. Three-hours in length, 这些工作坊为您提供了良好的理论和实践技术,使您成为在线视频领域的佼佼者. In the end, 您将获得流媒体大学结业证书, and the professional know-how to enhance your career.

所有流媒体大学研讨会都包括一顿清淡的欧陆早餐、上午和下午的休息时间,以及11月13日至14日免费参加流媒体西部博览会. 研讨会可以单独注册或包含在所有访问通行证选项中.

See all registration options here.


Monday, Nov 12



W1. Encoding 2018: Codecs & Packaging for PCs, Mobile, & OTT/STB/Smart TVs

Monday, November 12: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

As video resolutions increase and target playback platforms multiply, video producers must leave their H.264/HLS/HDS comfort zone and expand into HEVC, VP9, AV1, and MPEG-DASH. 本研讨会按目标平台分为多个部分,向您介绍向该平台上的观众提供直播和自适应视频的适用标准和最佳策略, both with and without DRM. Along the way, attendees learn options for producing H.264, HEVC, VP9, and AV1; the status of standards such as the Media Source Extensions (MSE) and Encrypted Media Extensions (EME); and how and when to utilize them. 与会者离开时知道交付到所有关键平台的技术需求和实现它的最佳实践.


, Founder, Streaming Learning Center


W2. Live Streaming Best Practices

Monday, November 12: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

本研讨会将教您如何使用和配置直播流事件系统的基本(和故意冗余)组件. 演示展示了来自不同供应商的硬件,包括相机、H.264编码器/流媒体,视频混频器,视频信号转换,录像机等. 研讨会还讨论了如何最好地为你的观众部署直播:你是否利用免费的社交媒体渠道, work with a premium third-party streaming service, or build your own live streaming infrastructure? Whether it’s multi-camera switching, dedicated hardware encoders, hardware and software mixers, OBS, or FFmpeg roulette, 学习如何处理不同的现场场景,以适应你的预算. And perhaps more importantly, 学习如何正确地制定预算,以避免在这个过程中任何常见的陷阱.


, Streaming Solutions Architect, videoRx


W3. Harnessing the Power of AI in Your Media Processing Pipeline

Monday, November 12: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

以视频为中心的人工智能(AI)和机器学习(ML)在过去几年中取得了长足的进步. You can now leverage AI to enhance your video discoverability, automatically generate transcripts and translations, and even look for specific faces within your live surveillance streams. 利用这种能力的关键是学习针对众多视频AI api编写代码. During this workshop, attendees are taken step-by-step through coding walkthroughs, resulting in several video AI reference applications. 与会者将带着完整的应用程序离开,并了解如何在媒体处理管道中利用人工智能的力量!


, CTO, RealEyes Media


W4. Encoding Live & VOD for HEVC/HLS

Monday, November 12: 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

苹果在HLS中对HEVC的支持是一个开创性的事件,为数亿支持HEVC的玩家打开了大门. 如果支持此规范在您的短期开发计划中,请查看此研讨会. 研讨会从回顾新的规范和分享回放细节开始, 比如HEVC在硬件支持和非硬件支持设备上的表现. Then it focuses on the HEVC codec itself, describing encoding options, royalty costs, and other implementation details. 了解如何为混合H . xml创建必要的文件和清单文件.264/HEVC编码阶梯,最后看看如何生成与新规范兼容的实时内容.


, Founder, Streaming Learning Center

, CEO, RealEyes Media

, Software Developer, RealEyes Media


W5. FFmpeg From the Ground Up

Monday, November 12: 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

为中小型企业和企业编码工作流可以利用功能强大且免费的开源选项, such as FFmpeg, 它提供的定制灵活性吸引初创公司和老牌企业的是什么. 该演讲探讨了FFmpeg的扩展编码选项,包括libx264 (AVC/H).264) and libx265 (HEVC/H.265),以最大限度地兼容各种移动和桌面浏览器, as well as streaming media servers. 学习如何使用滤镜效果,比例裁剪/调整大小选项和映射功能. Harness the power of FFmpeg in your next encoding pipeline upgrade!


, Streaming Solutions Architect, videoRx

Tracks & Special Events

Business and Strategy Track

Created for CEOs, CSOs, media strategists, 和业务开发主管:这是您在流媒体东部的家. 这个前瞻性的轨道提供高层次的战略讨论,你可以学习最好的在线视频经济的发展方向.

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Technical and How-to Track

专为想要解决方案的首席技术官、工程师和开发人员而创建. 视频生态系统是平台和设备的碎片化组合:向专业人士学习如何消除瓶颈并交付结果.

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Live Streaming Summit Logo

直播峰会专注于在多屏幕上提供大型直播活动和直播线性渠道所固有的挑战和机遇. Sessions will address every step of the live video workflow, including ingestion, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, and post-event evaluation.

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OTT Leadership Summit

OTT是电视的未来,而本次峰会将深入探讨广播公司、有线电视如何 & satellite operators, MVPDs, vMPVDs, 内容版权持有者可以释放OTT和TV Everywhere的价值.

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Video Engineering Summit

If you're looking for deep dives into HEVC, VP9, AV1, DASH, CMAF, WebRTC, video optimization, or perceptual quality, you’ve come to the right place. Our expert speakers will help you take your video to the next level.

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Sports Streaming Summit

The new Sports Streaming Summit will explore how global broadcasters, local stations, 新媒体创业公司正在改变体育内容的获取方式, produced, delivered, and viewed, from little league to esports to the World Cup.

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Discovery Track

在这方面的会议是教育和演讲,通常侧重于产品和客户案例研究, 提供一个很好的机会来了解更多关于特定技术或供应商的信息. Open to all conference attendees and Discovery Pass holders.

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Streaming Media University Logo

流媒体大学拥有世界一流的专家,提供内容丰富的培训. 流媒体西部2018系列研讨会为与会者提供了获得在线视频和流媒体技术深入培训的机会,并提供了良好的理论和实践技术,成为在线视频领域的佼佼者.

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