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Cloud-Based Streaming Production and the Sound of Inevitability

我们使用的生产和通信工具与云的联系越来越紧密, 利用它就是打开了一扇可能性和额外能力的门. Where do you want to go today?

Did everyone get whiplash in 2022?

From 100% remote and hybrid events in 2020 and 2021, 整个行业似乎都在扭转局面,试图尽可能多地面对面交流, 甚至有时故意不设置在线组件. I previously wrote about the pendulum swinging back 到拥有在线组件,我仍然觉得情况会是这样.

我认为实现这一目标的部分原因是云解决方案的发展方式. Some developed incredibly quickly during COVID. 像Teams这样的商务会议应用程序在疫情前很难使用, 需要使用外部生产工具和应用程序来获得图中图, to have multiple on screen side by side, etc.,然后将制作好的视频输入商务会议应用程序. 在很短的时间内,制作人可以在团队内部完成所有这些工作.

Cloud production solutions like StreamYard, Restream Studio, evmux, and all dramatically evolved in the same short span of time. For instance, StreamYard很快就允许用户从桌面上播放长视频, 它还增加了将多个摄像头连接到同一台电脑的功能, essentially becoming a full-on multi-camera solution. 他们增加了更多的多视图选项,它真正开始像一个专门的生产工具一样工作.

There has also been an evolution in cloud meeting spaces. Hopin integrated Streamyard. Zoom和Vimeo都开发并发布了自己的整体事件管理解决方案. 现在市场上也有很多像Airmeet这样的独立解决方案. 这些云会议空间试图复制整个活动体验, 从大厅的集合桌开始,人们可以走过去和别人聊天, to sponsor booths, expo halls, in addition to multitrack sessions and conferences. 所有这些解决方案将来自世界各地的人们聚集在一起,否则他们将不得不聚集在一个物理地点-通常花费巨大且不方便-参加活动.

In the same span of time, NDI 5 was released, 它创造了用NDI连接两个地点的能力,就好像它们都在同一个房间里一样. This, and a similar NDI Cloud solution from BirdDog, 使设备和技术嵌入到世界各地的不同地点成为可能, 甚至可以用不在同一栋楼的工作人员远程控制它们. 完全控制设备设置,平移和倾斜控制,以及更多,可以远程访问.

Lastly, the elephant in the room is the “metaverse,” where each of us can put on our goggles, wrap ourselves in a virtual avatar, and walk around virtual spaces together. 就像在今天的角色扮演游戏中——协作环境将来自任何地方的玩家聚集在一起——这些虚拟环境使参与者能够在一个共同的体验环境中进行互动和合作. Just think Halo, and even Red vs. Blue if you will, replicated in a professional environment.

In effect, we’ve now reached that moment in The Matrix 史密斯探员把尼欧困在公共交通轨道上然后我们听到下一列火车来了. “Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability.”

The tools we use are ever-more tied to “the cloud,而利用它就是打开了一扇可能性和额外能力的大门. Where do you want to go today?

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