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在NAB 2023谈论FAST的未来


关于 The Business of FAST: The Challenges in Monetization, Market Saturation 和 Viewer Engagement 在NAB 2023的流媒体峰会上,来自 Brightcove, 爱好电视, , 三星电视Plus, SlingTV,Vevo 讨论 涌动FAST段 of the streaming market 和 strategic approaches to maximizing revenues 和 enhancing discoverability 和 personalization as more viewers tune in 和 new channels increasingly glut the market.

随着渠道的激增,解决内容饱和的问题, 克里斯·奈特, 线性美食频道爱好电视的总裁兼首席执行官, 预测, “在接下来的两年里, 我们将看到一场屠杀.” The key to survival, he said, will be “improved collaboration between operators 和 providers.他说,现在的问题是“它在哪里运作良好??”


FAST市场在全球层面面临的另一个挑战, 根据小组主持人的说法, Brightcove首席战略和企业发展官David Beck, is the relative maturity of FAST in different countries 和 regions; some simply haven’t moved as fast as others in adopting free ad-supported TV. 

三星电视营销主管艾琳·德尔希德说, Samsung TV is currently serving up FAST channels in 24 countries around the world, 在北美有业务, 拉丁美洲, 欧洲, 和亚太地区. “巴西和墨西哥的需求非常大,她说。, “但中国市场不像北美或欧洲那样成熟.她解释说,这些市场“走得更远”.”

“Vevo在11个国家上线,Vevo高级总监说, 分销合作伙伴管理Bethany Atchison. “The programming we have on YouTube is not the same as what we put on our FAST channels, but we use data from YouTube to determine which content we use in each market.”

“You have to map the content to the audience to the audiences to the devices” in each region across the globe, 丛联合创始人兼首席运营官Scott Olechowski表示. FAST的主要好处之一, 即使是在新兴市场, 他说, 是“质量和技术在进步”吗, 而且进入成本更低.”

The slower growth of the FAST market in other global regions is not due to a lack of content, Sling TV副总裁说, 策略, 业务发展 & 国际利兹·里默斯玛. “我们看到来自其他国家的FAST内容大幅增加,”她说. “Sling将有200个来自美国以外的频道,它们的模式是FAST. They may not have the ability to build subs in the US, but it makes sense for us to serve them.”

从内容提供者的角度来看, 骑士补充道, 爱好电视在160个国家开展业务,“我们在意大利非常成功. 我们不在乎你在哪里,”他打趣道. “我们只是想让你看.”

至于在国际上传播FAST内容的障碍, 骑士补充道, “本地化成本仍然很高. 我们将整个产品目录本地化. 我们在其他一些市场的英语业务做得很好,但我们想本地化.“人工智能将是语言本地化,甚至是超本地化的关键, 用地方方言等等,他说, 但目前还没有完全准备好实施. “它正在实现这一目标,但成本很高.”


FAST成功的关键因素之一, 与任何类型的流媒体类型或货币化计划一样, 就是收集观众数据, particularly with the goal of serving targeted ads that compensate for lack of reach compared to traditional linear TV with pinpoint precision, 同时也为个人用户提供个性化的内容. But in many cases the available metrics aren’t what they should be for the FAST world in its present state. 

“Back in the old days,” says Knight, “we all subscribed to the same crappy data services. 我们都拿走了我们仅有的一点东西,还撒了谎.”

“We want to make sure that every channel on every platform is set up for success,三星电视的Del Cid说. “我们希望在正确的时间为目标用户提供正确的内容. We’re able to get pretty sophisticated with the data we have 和 the data we get from our channel partners.”

标准化也是关键. “We need to do a lot of work on our side to figure out st和ard metrics,” says Vevo’s Achison. “这是一个全行业的问题. 我认为我们已经取得了很大的进展,她继续说道。, “但对每个广告购买都能满足每个KPI的期望太高了. 目标明确了,但我们需要水平设置.”


One of the qu和aries of merging linear TV 和 streaming in the FAST world is how to imbue FAST’s more traditional linear TV paradigm with streaming 和 OTT’s potential for interactive, 前倾的体验,观众可能会想要, 或者它可以提升游戏体验或盈利潜力. “How do we take traditional lean-back experiences 和 make them more interactive?Brightcove的贝克问道. “这发生在哪里?”

在爱好电视,奈特说:“我们在每个空间都有二维码. 我们会实时发送菜谱给你, 然后请你把照片发回来, 我们计划在今年晚些时候启动电子商务. 当我们的节目播放时,我们看到了高峰,他补充道, “和 one of the most consistent metrics we have is the number of downloads by U.S. 州. 但除此之外,我们没有太多.”

At Sling TV, Riemersma says, the strategy is “to invest in more rewarded behaviors. 我们如何将观看时间延伸到客厅之外?” S他说 Sling is experimenting with different types of audio 和 short-form content that “leads people to behaviors they’ve shown interest in 和 rewards them for it.”

在丛, Olechowski说:“我们正在尝试互动广告.” He says 丛 did a campaign for a Sony movie where viewers can click 和 add the movie to their playlist that had an “unbelievable click-through rate. It’s normal for people to have second-screen devices” in h和 as they’re viewing, 他说, 因此,“我们正在加大投资,通过移动设备拓展业务.”

Vevo也在做互动广告, 据阿奇逊说, 以及琐事和“制作”内容, but s他说 they’re also being careful to balance increased engagement with “things that don’t distract.”


The name of the game for monetizing FAST as with most streaming monetization is personalization, 发挥流媒体技术的优势. 但通常说来容易做起来难. “我们如何在正确的时间将特定的内容提供给正确的人?三星的Del Cid问道. “我们如何个性化CTV体验的各个方面, 并更快地为用户提供正确的内容? The amount of engagement you get from one user is fruitful for the entire platform.”

“For 20 years, the question has been how do we keep people coming back,” 爱好电视’s Knight says. “我们的竞争对手都是价值数十亿美元的公司,”他补充道. 所以这都是关于可见性和可发现性.

For Sling, says Riemerma, the key challenge is “being able to identify customers on the way in.以及追加销售用户, “我们想确保人们准备好付钱, 让他们更容易做到这一点.”

最终, 当然, 让FAST保持繁荣的是广告商, 尽管个性化的用户体验促进了销售增长. Beck adds, “The feedback loop to advertisers is key to how this ecosystem advances.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

From NAB NY - The Business of FAST: Monetization, Market Saturation 和 Viewer Engagement

FAST services have many options for monetization 和 viewer engagement strategies, such as audience targeting through curated channels 和 managing third-party platforms. 在NAB NY 2023最近的一次小组讨论中, AMC的高管, 考克斯, Vevo, 和 Moloco weighed in on the current state of FAST 和 how their organizations are working to improve viewer engagement 和 monetization.


神话娱乐的线性频道, 神秘的24/7, 已经在丛上线了, 当今最全面的娱乐平台之一.

Report From IBC 2023 - Fremantle, XUMO, Tubi, 和保险丝 Talk FAST's Rush to Quality

快速频道开始变得很像电视——而且有很好的理由, FAST主要供应商Fremantle的高管表示同意, XUMO, Tubi, 和保险丝. 策展是怎么演变的. Adrian Pennington reports from IBC 2023 about a panel on the future of the free ad-supported TV phenomena.

NAB 2023新增:电梯游说

因为参加NAB需要耐力, 我想表彰几家拥有引人注目的产品的公司, 坚持到最后, 和 were able to do the briefest sub-5-minute elevator pitch for what's new in their offering.

什么是FAST 2.0?

With Web3 nearly upon us, is a new generation of 免费的 Ad-Supported Television--FAST 2.0——就在地平线上? 它与FAST当前的迭代有何不同, 它的演变对消费者意味着什么, 内容公司, 技术供应商? LG的马修·杜金报道, Vizio的Greg Barnard说, 和 Best Ever Channels' Jonathon Barbato weigh in on FAST's fast-approaching future in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.

Amagi的Brian Ring谈论FAST, CTV和流媒体的状态

Amagi高级新闻总监 & Sports Solutions Brian Ring discusses the ongoing growth of 免费的 Ad-Supported Television with 流媒体's Tim Siglin in this interview at 流媒体 West 2022.


In a report designed to focus advertiser attention on its own FAST service Xumo, 康卡斯特发现FAST的渗透率比去年增加了一倍多. 


在联网电视兴起的推动下,FAST在美国发展迅速.S. 和 across the globe, according to Amagi Global FAST report analyzing 1200 channels